Spanish highways are losing vehicle traffic since the crisis began. A
recent study says that in the first 10 months of 2012 the traffic decreased in
17.193 vehicles, but the worst new is that it´s a progressive fall. This index
was not known since 15 years ago.
There are many reasons for this decrease, as unemployment index, taxes
increase, additional cost of expropriations and presence of
secondary free roads.
In this situation 6
turnpikes are currently in insolvency proceedings and maybe some more will be
in the near future.
In 2007 the vehicle
fleet began to decrease after many years of increasing, up to now a 27% of the traffic
flow exactly. This means the situation in the Spanish turnpikes at the moment is
like in 1998.
What situation awaits us in the
future? We have to start thinking about sharing cars, using the public
transport or getting a bicycle.
Xabier Torrado