Friday, December 3, 2010


Franco garaian euskaraz hitz egitea debakatua zegoen, bere ustetan euskaraz edo beste dialektoak.Euskaraz hitz egiten zuten orok atxilotuak edo besterik gabe desargetzen ziren. Bizitza horrela izan zen 36 urte bitartean baina 1975. urtean Franco hil egin zen eta 3 urte beranduago demokraziaren lehen botaketak egin ziren UCD-ko burua, Adolfo Suarez presindentea ateraz.Urte honetan Athletic eta Errealeko kapitainak ikurriña eramanaz atotxako futbol zelaira atera ziren, esan behar dugu Franco hilda ere ikurriña oraindik legetik at zegoela.

During the time of Franco(1939-1975) it was forbidden to speak Basque because he wanted to realize his ideas of a Spanish speaking country without any other dialects. People who spoke Basque were sent to prison or just disappeared. In 1975 Franco died and 3 years later the first democratic elections took place and Adolfo Suarez was elected as president of UCD. In the same year the captains of Bilbao and Real Sociedad entered the football field of Atotxa with an ikurriña, we have to remember that it was forbidden at that time.

Cynthia and Ion Ander

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